2016 intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project announced Goertek selected!_Company News_News_Goertek


Company News

2016 intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project announced Goertek selected!

Publisher:Goertek   Issuing Time:2016-07-08   Source:Goertek  

Recently, the Ministry announced the 2016 Intelligent Manufacturing pilot projects, Goertek declared "wearable device intelligent plant pilot demonstration" by experts, and by the publicity has been adopted as one of the China 2016 64 intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration projects!

Currently, the global "Industry 4.0" and "Internet industry" wave driven under the "Made in China 2025" initiative, launched China's manufacturing industry from the "manufacturing" to "wisdom made" transformation climax. Over the years, Goertek with long-term accumulation of a strong manufacturing capability and precision equipment manufacturing capacity, in the consumer electronics industry to establish a lead. In order to firmly occupied the commanding heights of industry changes, further establish trade advantages and enhance the core competitiveness, Goertek active layout, and strive to build the world's first intelligent wearable products intelligent plant project, in order to effectively deal with the explosive growth of smart wearable product and "Chi-made" transformation period of strategic opportunities.

The project will integrate advanced manufacturing conditions perception and identification, control algorithms, Industrial Ethernet, big data, intelligent manufacturing systems integration and other advanced technology, combined with the electronic information industry development and product manufacturing needs, achieve Goertek intelligent wearable product plants highly automated, highly information-oriented, highly networked and highly intelligent, to create a "comprehensive perception, interconnection equipment, digital integration, intelligent decision-making" and other characteristics of intelligent plant demonstration. After the completion of the project is expected to significantly improve production efficiency and significantly reduce operating costs, shorten product development cycle, product defect rate and energy efficiency will be further improved, and to meet consumer demand for customization. Goertek hoping this intelligent plant construction project has accumulated experience in making intelligent manufacturing consumer electronics industry benchmark, and actively participate in promoting the establishment of national intelligence consumer electronics industry manufacturing standards.

This project as a starting point, Goertek plans to use 5-10 years to build China both "wisdom" and made "Carpenter" made features of China's "Goertek manufacturing model", intelligent manufacturing and precision manufacturing go hand in hand, to become China's manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading of the backbone.
